

自由聯盟 - 下午茶 ~~^^

  • m214020


    m214020 2015-02-22 08:38





    It』s official: America is now No. 2 and CHINA is #1!

    開始我還不明白這 #1,#2在講什麼,以為又是什麼「中國威脅論」
    12月4日這天,發生 了美國歷史上的一個劃時代的驚天大事:


    以後,第一次把頭把交椅讓給了中 國。中國當了老大,美國改坐老二。




    之所以稱之為「OFFICIAL",大概消息來源不是中國而是美國政府或者什麼國際經濟權威機構,具體數字是:到2014年12月4日為止,中國的生產總量 是17。6兆美元,美國的是17。4兆。這是150年來,世界上第一次有一個國家的總量超過了美國。以前有經濟學家預測這個數字的到來時間將會是2016 或者2020年,看來是早了幾年。




    裁 判一聲令下,一個瘦瘦的黃種人和一群白人黑人開始長跑。瘦瘦的黃種人開始落後於白種人梯隊,落後一圈,落後兩圈,落後三圈,四圈,八圈。。。。。。距離越 拉越遠。羞愧,恥辱混合著汗水,疲勞,掙扎,這個黃種人卻沒有泄氣,他咬著牙,在眾多的噓聲和加油聲中,「趕上去!趕上去!趕上去。。。。。。」






    NC says:
    December 4, 2014 at 7:54 pm
    I find it funny how Chinese people have to pay $16 US dollars for a pound of beef and we still have to say, 「There are starving people in China」 when it is supposed to be the number 1 country in the world, but that』s Communism for ya. Now we are the number 2 country in the world and 「There are starving people in America」. So how are we different from China?

    The irony of it all is that a country that always wants to be number 2 is now number 1 and a country that always wants to be number 1 is now number 2.Adding to this that most of America's economic output consists of immaterial goods, while Chinese economic output is real hardware, there's a real need to worry about long-term sustainability of the US economy (fracking notwithstanding).

    Enemy of the State says:
    December 4, 2014 at 12:44 pm
    you should see some of the manufacturing facilities and equipment over there

    it would blow your mind,, and remind yo of our once prosperous country

    as my company struggles over here in this government cesspool … I see whats going on over there it makes me very sad for this country and everyone here trying to make a go of it

    If we would get rid of these professional welfare'ers ( Thread: Woman on Welfare for 12 Years Explains "I Don't Need a Job, I Already Get a Check" ), then we could use that money for great things...

    But the thing is USA tries to please EVERYONE within its borders!

    And however sweet and nice that is, it doesn't actually achieve anything.

    The more you can achieve as a unit the better the country really... and I sense USA doesn't have the balls to really implement a vision.

    I would say the USA did have a vision at one time, but right now the American dream has been shown to be a fraud. Kind of.

    And since that you haven't got any goals.. its the same old .

    Chris Snider18 minutes ago

    And if you compare China to other countries over there, you know they can still go further... they've not yet started producing/exporting automobiles.

    They've got an advantage over the US because they're actually producing something - a good portion of US GDP comes from Wall Street money games but really doesn't produce anything (nor does it circulate in the economy if it only gets reinvested).  To compensate for a loss of manufacturing jobs we've now got semi- and unskilled workers wanting to make a living wage by flipping hamburgers and doing other jobs that used to be entry-level and summer work for high school kids.

    But as long as US equity markets keep cranking up, nothing else really matters....right?

    originally posted by: TDawgRex 
    a reply to: coldkidc 

    So much for the prediction that China was to be the leading economy by 2020. I guess they arrived early.

    Or we are falling faster than we have been led to believe. 

    Good thing is, China has absorbed much of our business and manufacturing, so life goes on... In China. 

    Philosophical Objection LYSSA  4 hours ago

    Who cares? America is ranked 37 in World Education and still fluoridates and offers Monsanto chem lab mutated foods to its own people.

    robert  4 hours ago

    Ya, ok, China does produce more, goods, and services,, so what...
    What we produce in America, is....... money.
    We print it !
    It's called ..... the shekel....
    We back up the shekel with the power of the US Military.
    And if the world will not take the shekel, in exchange for their goods, services, and submission, we cram the shekel down their throats, at the spear point of a predator drone, or a B1 bomber....

    Originally posted by oddball:
    For the first time since Ulysses S. Grant was president, America is not the leading economic power on the planet.

    Seems China is more capitalist-friendly than the U.S. is nowadays Frown.

    I would also assume they are not 18 trillion dollars in debt,so we are in worse shape than being passed as the number 1 economy.



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