


asasoa的相冊 - 太平洋島嶼 Pacific Islands

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A beach near Fare, Huahine, French Polynesia. Fare is the only town on the island and there is only one bus around the island-once a day.


上傳於 2010-04-18 06:31 (101 KB)

  • asasoa
    asasoa 2010-04-18 12:40
    isabella: 這海水感覺好清涼唷  
    你這上面ㄉ樹葉 也太下來了吧  哈哈哈哈哈
  • asasoa
    asasoa 2010-04-18 12:43
    isabella: 怎有一個長長ㄉ  那是防波堤嗎
    On the left side of the rocks, it is good for swimming. On the right side of the rocks, it is good for snorkeling.
  • asasoa
    asasoa 2010-04-18 12:45
    isabella: 我覺得你阿  你可能 躺在樹下ㄉ掉床上ㄟ  晃晃晃ㄋ
    Good idea.
    The only difference is there is no 掉床.
  • asasoa
    asasoa 2010-04-18 12:50
    isabella:   可惜咧

    可以想像你走在沙灘  踩著軟軟ㄉ沙 那陣陣海浪輕輕打在腳上ㄉ感覺
    可惜咧<_ No choice loh.

    可以想像你走在沙灘  踩著軟軟ㄉ沙 那陣陣海浪輕輕打在腳上ㄉ感覺<-Yes, that is correct and enjoyable.