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La Alcazaba of Almeria, Spain.


上傳於 2016-08-04 08:44 (174 KB)

  • rumor
    rumor 2016-08-04 10:27
  • 椰絲酒吧
    椰絲酒吧 2016-08-04 13:41
    The Alcazaba of Almería is a fortified complex in Almería, southern Spain. The word alcazaba, from the Arabic word al-qasbah, signifies a walled-fortification in a city.

    在西班牙南部的阿爾梅里亞  阿爾梅利亞 的 阿爾卡薩瓦    是一個複雜的堡壘。這個字 alcazaba 阿爾卡薩瓦,是從阿拉伯語字 AL-Qasba(運河),標誌著一個圍牆設防 的城市。
    (copied from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia; and modified from Google translation)
  • asasoa
    asasoa 2016-08-04 18:37
    rumor: AMAZING!
    Glad you like it.
  • asasoa
    asasoa 2016-08-04 18:38
    椰絲酒吧: The Alcazaba of Almería is a fortified complex in Almería, southern Spain. The word alcazaba, from the Arabic word al-qasbah, signifies a walled-for
    Thanks for the translation.Your kindness are much appreciated.
  • 椰絲酒吧
    椰絲酒吧 2016-08-05 08:12
    asasoa: Thanks for the translation.Your kindness are much appreciated.
    不曉得 翻得對不對 青菜看一下 就好了
  • asasoa
    asasoa 2016-08-05 12:08
    椰絲酒吧: 不曉得 翻得對不對青菜看一下 就好了
    No worry, it's all good.